Safety Outcome 1

Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect.

Item 1:
How should reports be documented in the Item 1 table?
Reviewers should list reports by date, per child, and per allegation. If the same child had multiple allegations that resulted in separate dispositions, each allegation should be indicated in a separate row in the table so that the disposition can be noted for each allegation. If multiple allegations received the same disposition, all allegations may be indicated in the same row. When tallying the number of reports in responding to questions A, B, and C, reviewers should not count each allegation or child as a separate report, but rather consider the date of the report as a distinct report made to the agency.
Item 1:
Parental rights were terminated prior to the PUR and the child was moved into his own individual case. During the PUR, there was a report of abuse and neglect involving the birth parents and one of the siblings. Is this captured under Item 1?
No, because the TPR occurred prior to the PUR and the target child was in his own individual case during the entire PUR.
Item 1:
We received a report concerning children remaining in the care of a parent after termination of parental rights of the target child, but the target child remains in foster care. Should we rate this in items 1 and 3?
The TPR for the target child in foster care during the PUR does not change the fact that the siblings are still part of the family's case; therefore, information and circumstances related to them should be considered in rating Items 1 and 3.
Item 1B:
Does “and requirements” in this question mean other contact requirements such as following the state's interview protocol?
The "requirements" noted in 1B refer to any requirements, beyond time frames, that are noted in state policies or statutes related to initial face-to-face contact with the children in accepted maltreatment reports.